
IPRS: Our first year at handl Group

IPRS: Our first year at handl Group

Published 01.12.22


We caught up with Martyn, IPRS Group’s CEO to reflect on their first twelve months as one of handl Group’s brands.

1. What made you decide to join handl Group?

First and foremost: I liked the team and felt we could work with them, our goals were also very much aligned which I think is vital for a successful working relationship

Another common factor with handl Group was the services we provide being built firmly upon a sound and thorough knowledge of the customers and markets we serve, which helps us to provide first class clinical quality, maintain flexibility and to constantly innovate.

2. How has your first year been? Has it gone how you expected?

Yes, it’s gone exactly as expected. We’re very happy, and handl have done exactly what they said they would. From our side we have done the same.

We are constantly seeking to improve on our core services of physiotherapy and mental health solutions to employers, insurers and government organisations.

At the same time IPRS Group is continuing to experience steady growth, always with the aim of providing our clients with the best possible services to meet an ever-changing health landscape.

3. What challenges have you faced? Has being part of handl Group helped you to overcome those?

We’ve faced no real challenges and handl remained hands off and left us to get on and deliver what we said we would do. However, their advice and guidance at the right points has been incredibly invaluable.

One great advantage of being part of the group is in being able to draw on the board’s invaluable experience and knowledge to foresee any potential problems, and thus to help us to mitigate or deal with and overcome them.

4. Would you have done anything differently in your first 12 months with the Group?

I can say in all honesty that we wouldn’t have changed anything. We’ve really enjoyed being part of the group for all kinds of reasons, an important one being that handl are driven to seek fresh new ideas, and so are we.

It’s so encouraging to know that our approach chimes well with the group’s determination to challenge existing ways of working, building on traditional, tried and trusted ways of doing things with innovative thinking and new technologies.

5. What advice would you give to anyone contemplating joining handl Group?

My advice would be to lay your cards on the table. Be very clear what you want and need around support, and in return make sure you deliver what you say you will. Don’t over promise.

The open and honest conversations we have had from day one has played a large part in achieving the successful integration of the IPRS companies into handl group. Effective communication and ensuring everyone is on the same page is key to a thriving relationship.

6. Looking at the next 12 months, what excites you most?

In a word, growth…

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